I make research simple so you get meaningful data you’ll actually use.

I won’t talk your ear off about p-values, force you to use some survey from the 80’s just because it’s “validated,” or tell you that you can’t do “good research” because you don’t have enough time, money, or expertise.

With me, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. There will be no complicated documents or plans. And, I’m not going to leave you hanging with a bunch of stuff you’ll never be able to use again. Seriously. That’s the worst.

 I’ve worked with the Richard Bransons and Gates Foundations of the world. Literally.

If you are wondering…

How do I collect feedback from clients or employees or customers that I can trust, easily understand, and use to make decisions?

How can I use data to tell the story of my organization, program, or product in a compelling way that feels authentic to me?

How can I meet grant or funder requirements without bending over backwards and compromising on my values?

 Learn the basics.

Dive into some short and sweet lessons about how to do research over on my blog.

 What clients are saying:

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Dive into some short and sweet lessons about how to do research over on my blog.

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