At Kirsten Lee Hill Consulting we make research simple so that you can get meaningful data you’ll actually use.
Kirsten Lee Hill Consulting - Research, Data, Survey Design,Logic Models

I’ve worked with the Richard Bransons and Gates Foundations of the world. Literally.

I’ve also worked with start-ups, solopreneurs, schools, districts, universities, and non-profits. I’ve supported people who have been in the game for years and people who are just getting started on their entrepreneurial journey.  What all of these changemakers have in common is this: deeply held values, commitment to learning and growth, and a vision for how to make the world a better place. 

Whether you are a school, a solopreneur, a non-profit, or a Fortune 500 company… You need research. (and, you’re already doing it).

Let’s do it better.

Whether it’s through a casual conversation, an annual survey, a poll on social media, a feedback form, website analytics, or a more formal evaluation — you routinely collect information (aka data) to inform your work.

Your success hinges on gathering accurate information that you can actually use to make decisions and tell your story. Research is the process of getting and interpreting that information.

To put it simply: good research is asking the right questions and then making an intentional plan to get the information you need to answer them well in an ethical, human-centered way.

I believe research can be a tool for good in the world, and that it’s a resource everyone should have access to.

Maybe you want to know if people like working with (or for) you. Perhaps you want to do an evaluation to learn if your organization is achieving its goals. Or, maybe you need stats and stories to share for marketing and report to funders.

You’re ready to have numbers and stories that reflect your values and your definition of success. And, you want them to be top-notch. Rigorous. Credible. Compelling.

There’s an art to asking the right questions and doing good research, but it’s also a science. That’s where I come in.



of dollars raised through grants for research and innovative ideas


of survey items launched around the country


innovative organizations and entrepreneurs supported with measurement and evaluation


Why me?

I have a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania and I’ve worked on everything from randomized control trials to designing alternative teacher education programs to leading the development of Philadelphia’s citywide surveys to measure alternative indicators of success in schools.

Traditional research expertise is a tool; leveraging it creatively, for good, is my superpower.

I’m not a big consulting firm, and I like that. To me — research is personal and collaborative. It’s a conversation. It’s a relationship. It’s not a one-size-fits-all thing I will just pull off the shelf and hand you. You, your goals, and your values matter to me and they’ll shape what research looks like for you.

I thrive on simplicity and value being the most approachable and realistic research partner you’ll ever meet.


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