Season 1: Ep.10 - Get Committed


Welcome back to Graceful Rulebreakers. I am coming to you this week with another bite-size tip for self-care. I honestly really struggled over doing an episode this week. It's been a really difficult and emotional month for me; I had to let go of my dream apartment in New Orleans and one of my most meaningful, impactful contracts with a client that I really adore; the work they do is coming to a close this week, and I just, there's been so many endings and so much emotion, and I totally trust that everything is working out for my highest and greatest good, but that doesn't mean that it isn't still really hard and not a struggle. And so, for a lot of the day I was just thinking, you know, I just need to take time off, I just need to, you know, not force myself to do a podcast episode, let it be easy, rest, recharge. And then as I was going about my day, I thought, you know, you gotta commit to yourself, and that's my tip today is; get committed.


It is so important to commit to yourself and to just commit to this idea that you are enough. I am enough. And I think this is something that can be really difficult to do and something that's also just really critically important. I wrote this article a couple of years ago about whether or not you are loving yourself or losing yourself, and how you can ask yourself this question throughout the day and check in with yourself to see if you are committed to yourself, or if you're actually harming yourself. Every day you have so many opportunities, just countless opportunities to show up for yourself and be on your own team. The thoughts that you think about yourself, the words that you speak, the choices that you make in terms of health, whether it be mental health, emotional health, physical health, there are so many choices, big and small, that present you with an opportunity to either love yourself or to lose yourself.


So for an example, when you are putting up with condescending remarks from someone; you're losing yourself. When you are grinning and bearing it, instead of honoring your true passions; you're losing yourself. When you are being so critical of yourself and your choices, or your physical appearance; you're losing yourself. And it's okay to lose yourself. We all do it sometimes. We all lose ourselves and we can be our own worst critic. For sure, I definitely have been in the 'losing myself' space; not being super nice to myself over the past few days, or just giving myself the grace that I deserve. The goal here is not perfection and not to beat yourself up over quote, unquote, 'losing yourself,' but to be compassionate to yourself and treat yourself with compassion, because of course there are times where you're going to beat yourself up or just really tax yourself again, mentally or physically, or not have the bandwidth to advocate for yourself in certain situations. That's just going to happen, and that's going to be totally okay. And when that does happen, the beautiful things about those moments is even when you're slipping up in that exact moment, you have a choice to either lose yourself further or to love yourself, by just giving yourself that grace and being like… oh, okay, like, I'm accepting where I'm at right now, I am doing the best that I can in this moment, and by showing yourself that acceptance and that self-compassion, you are loving yourself. You are showing that you are committed to yourself and that you believe in yourself, and that you're willing to give yourself grace in life's difficult moments.


And so for today's bite-size tip that is it; it is to commit to yourself, commit to showing yourself compassion, to being kind to yourself when you're having a difficult time. And just to really say, yes, to being accepting of yourself, being compassionate for yourself and mindfully moving forward from where you are right now. Where you are right now is not where you are always going to be. It's not your full story. It's just this one moment and I really encourage you to just commit to you, to commit to yourself that you are enough. You're doing amazing. Even if it doesn't feel like it, and it's okay if it doesn't feel like it, just accept it and let it be easy, because life is hard enough without you being a jerk to yourself.


And if you're thinking… oh my gosh, but what is the concrete thing that I'm supposed to do to commit to myself? It's this; be nice to yourself and keep showing up when you feel like you can't possibly go any further and that you are going to give up or fall apart. Give yourself grace, remind yourself that you were doing the absolute best you can. Showing yourself that kindness; that is how you commit to yourself. I hope that that quick tip brings you some peace. I know it's something that I definitely needed to hear and remind myself of this week. And I'm going to say it again. You are enough. Commit to you. Show up for yourself. You are doing great work, and I think you're awesome. And I mentioned this last week, we are all on this journey together.


Season 1: Ep.11 - Gracefully Breaking the Rules: In Research


Season 1: Ep.09 - On Self-Compassion