Survey Design 101 | How to Level Up Testimonials in 3 Easy Steps

The key to good research is asking good questions, and crafting good questions is both an art and a science. In this video on best practices in survey design (or feedback forms, whatever you want to call it - ASKING QUESTIONS), you are going to learn three ways to up-level from testimonials. Testimonials are a really popular way of sharing what it's like to work with you and how awesome you are, and I love giving and receiving them. BUT, I don't think they are great data. In a few easy steps, you can craft questions that will get you better, more compelling data that tells the story of the change you create in the world. I’ll also talk about the drama surrounding the word “impact” and why you want to be mindful about how you share results!

the run down

00:00 Welcome
00:22 What are testimonials + why do they fall short?
01:12 What data will convince people to work with you?
03:38 Three options for data that shows change
08:15 You need a “before” snapshot to tell a story of change
10:28 An important “wrinkle” re: impact
12:30 Recap

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