Survey Design 101 | Using a Scale 1-10 (Definitions Matter!)

When you ask people to rate something on a scale of 1 to 10 you gotta define what a "1" is and what a "10" is.

Like is a 1 good? For example: Jack Harlow is my #1 crush right now? 🔥Or, is it bad… like, I’d rate my experience on Hinge a 1 out of 10? 🤣

Don’t assume people know what you mean or are thinking the same way you are. To get good, accurate data you want to do your best to ensure people are interpreting and understanding the question in the same way. ⁠

You want everyone define a 1 and a 10 basically the same so anchor them with some descriptors… for example: On a scale from 1 (absolutely not) to 10 (heck yes), how likely are you to DM me later?

Specificity and definitions y’all… it’s where it’s at.


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